Sunday, April 10, 2005

Good thing we gave this up...

For a big fat "wanna be" Yankee.

Okay, I gave David Wells the start in New York as a freebie. It was his former stadium, he had really wanted to return there anyway, and it was opening night on a huge stage.

Now the party is over and I'm out of freebies.

3 homeruns to Vernon Wells (dropped from my fantasy team of course), Corey Koskie, and Shea Hillenbrand, 6 runs, and 6 1/3 innings later the "Fat Bastard" was saddled with his second straight loss, this time to a massively inferior opponent.

And as if his performance was not enough Wells tossed this gem after the game, "You've got to get the bad ones out of the way, I guess."

What in the hell does that mean? That you are now going to turn it around and be great for the rest of the season because you stunk for two games and purged your system of futility? This isn't like trying to find a good melon at the grocery store, you don't sift through the bad to get to the good, you come out and perform like a veteran who wants to be here not an out of shape alcoholic who wishes he was in pin-stripes.

This guy needs to get his shit together and stop pouting about being rejected by New York.

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