Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey GOODBYE!

Question: How do you know when a team REALLY doesn't want you?

Answer: When they are willing to pay 93% of your salary so that another team will take you off their hands.

Sounds impossible right?

Well that's reportedly what could happen on Wednesday if the Red Sox and Rockies can pull the trigger on a deal to send Byung-Hyun Kim, the worst Red Sox pitcher in recent memory, to Colorado for two minor league prospects, including the second overall pick in 2000 Jason Young.

Think about this. It's like breaking up with a girl that you just cannot stand any longer, but the only way to get your toothless perennially bottom feeding cousin to take her from you is if you agree to pay for 93% of all expenses incurred by the potential relationship.

I've definitely dated some loonies but this would be a stretch even for me.

Goobye and good riddance you Yankee fearing, obscenely gesticulating, teammate antagonizing waste of 6 million dollars. It will be worth the 5.6 mil to finally be able to put you in the John Wasdin category of wastes of space who we no longer have to worry will blow a 7 run lead in the 9th. You did nothing good here and I wish you all the success Mike Hampton had in Colorado.

Now if I could just find a boat and put Al Skinner, Pittsnogle, Kim, and Skip Bayless on it.....well nevermind.

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