Monday, March 07, 2005


...anything more annoying than trying to type a blog without the use of a "g" or an "h" key?

...any team other than the Patriots that could lose two starting receivers, a potential hall of fame corner back, a starting offensive lineman, and a linebacker and still be the odds on favorite to win the Super Bowl?

...any question, after watching the last two battles Wake Forest has had against G-Tech and NC State (two bottom feeders in the league this year) that the ACC is the best league in college basketball? Chris Paul's Tyus Edney (the kid who hit the runner for UCLA to win the tournament game a few years ago) impression last night was better than anything that's happened in a Big East game all season.

...anything you would rather watch in March than Duke v. UNC with both ranked in the top 10?

...any end to the coverage of the Sox v. Yanks rivalry, or anything funnier than watching Kenny Mayne ask Tanyon Sturtze why people from Boston are such morons to which he responds with a scowl, not at all getting the joke, "Dude, I'm from Boston."

...any final pairing you'd rather see than Tiger and Phil when they're both knocking it stiff? Sorry Vijay, you're wicked dull.

...anything worse than watching Mets spring training baseball when Pedro and Beltran don't play?

...any rapper more over exposed than 50 cent, the dude is in every song that comes out, why does he think its necessary to release 5 songs (that are all exactly the freakin' same!) at a time? He's almost as bad as Beyonce...almost.

...any doubt that Illinois is not going all the way after losing to Ohio State? They peaked too soon.

...any logical reason that the Pizzeria Uno in Harvard Square was showing the Big 12 Swimming and Diving Championships on Saturday afternoon, or any doubt that I was the only person who watched with interest?

...anything you don't want to hear more than, "It's not so bad," from a new addition to the Sox rotation when he's asked how it feels to wear the B after being rejected by the Yankees? Where's the enthusiasm you fat bastard?

...anyone who really thinks that Ron Artest should be allowed to play in the playoffs? Have we already forgotten that this wack job charged into the stands to pimp slap a 5'10" white kid?

...anyone who didn't think (even for just a second) after watching the Celts play with a renewed fire after reacquiring Antoine, "Hey, what if...?"

...anyone who after thinking such lunacy didn't immediately slap themselves on the forehead when they remembered that these are still the Celtics, who play in the East, and don't have Shaq?

...anyone you'd rather be that Matt Sylvester yesterday on the Ohio State campus? (He' the kid who hit the three to beat Illinois.)

...anything more annoying than a blog that uses a lazy list formula to make up for the fact that too much worthy of comment has happened since the author's computer decided to go off the deep end last week?

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