Monday, October 31, 2005

More Theo

One of, what I'm sure will be many quick notes on Theo's departure.

I think in the past few hours I've been able to figure out what bothers me most of all about this situation and the circumstances surrounding it.

I am Theo Epstein. I'm a kid from Massachusetss who grew up loving the Red Sox and would give anything to work for them in any capacity nevermind as the GM. As it was for him, it would be my dream job (of course I'm grossly underqualified and can't really imagine working 20 hour days so they made a better choice going with him). So for the last few hours I've been thinking, "If I were to acquire said dream job what would it take to make me leave it and 4.5 million reasons to stay?"

I couldn't think of anything, and I would imagine that before these past few weeks Epstein couldn't either. Nice work Larry, way to destroy his dream and mine.

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