1. It's really really hard to find time to write in the summer. The beach, the booze, the traffic, the girls, everything takes away from that lonely time you want to spend at a desk raving about sports.
2. I have World Cup fever. I'm ashamed and I can promise you that I won't watch a moment of soccer after July 9th for exactly three years and 11 months...when the next World Cup rolls around. That being said, there is nothing more captivating that watching a group of guys play a game with the passionate knowedge that they are truly representing their people. Just don't ask the US players about that, because they have no idea.
3. In 25 years we are going to look back on the David Ortiz era and tell unbelievable, fantastic stories of his heroics. We are truly watching history in the making here. Don Orsillo said it best on Monday afternoon, "The greatest clutch hitter in Red Sox history has done it again."
4. Pedro Martinez no longer has American League stuff. I watched from the stands as he received three standing ovations and then proceeded to stink out the joint. I love Pedro for what he did here but after that performance I'm glad he's gone.
5. Why do Mets fans think we like them? Just because you don't cheer for the Yankees doesn't mean that we're going to forget 1986 or the fact that you're from New York.
6. The NBA Draft is almost as much of a non-event as the NFL Draft. At least we didn't have to hear about this one for a full three months beforehand, just two weeks. (And thanks be to God Sean Salisbury knows nothing about hoops.) The biggest lowlight - the fact that it brings Jay Bilas and his effusive arrogance back to the ESPN studios a full six months before college hoops season.
7. Did Isiah bet Bill Lambeer that he could destroy the Knicks permanently before 2010? If so he's right on pace. How do you justify firing one of the premiere coaches in the league only to replace him with a completely inept GM?
8 Do the C's really want Sebastian Telfair AND Allen Iverson? Can you spell c-h-a-r-a-c-t-e-r? The chances of that union of thugs not blowing up in Danny Ainge's face: One gazillion to one.
9. The Randy Foye / Rudy Gay era in Boston really would have sucked....wait no it wouldn't have.
10. Eric Winalda, ESPN's World Cup studio guy has said, "Typical German behavior," one thousand times since the beginning of the tournament. Probably a good thing he's in the studio, not at the stadium where rabid sausage wielding lunatics could reach him.
11. 23 didn't bother me, 24 sounded kinda cool...25 just sounds old. Dammit, I'm old.
12. One post for the month of June, not exactly the most ambitious amount of work I've ever put in but hey, nobody's perfect. Maybe July will be better....not likely.
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