Write it down, June 6, 2005 at 4:11 PM. Skip Bayless said something that I agree with. I hope you like this time of day because obviously the world has stopped spinning.
Wait, nevermind, he was merely disagreeing with something said by Woody Paige so it cancels itself out. It's like adding an equal positive and negative, no matter how big or apparently impressive either side is the end result is 0.
Is there a show on television worse than "1st and 10"?
It's not possible, I know I rant and rave about this all the time but what are the producers at ESPN thinking putting these two blowharts together on the same set? Anyway, before I use this entire blog to rip each any every word uttered by the magical moron twins. (Paige just said, "I'll give you two words for Triple Crown 'Pu' and 'jols'." Ahh Woody that's one word...and it's a name...my GOD!)
So back to the point here, my agreement with Skip Bayless, a slightly rarer event than a full solar eclipse. There is some talk about Roger Clemens returning to Boston, or maybe to New York. Woody is of the opinion that the Rocket wants to return to Boston to mend fences with his original fans and the rescue the floundering world champions and that he will not go to New York because he's through with the circus of the New York media. Huh?
Circus? If the New York media is a circus the Boston media is the side show, just as loud and obnoxious but on a smaller scale. Maybe say that Clemens will not return to New York because they're 7 games out of first in mid June and have little to no chance of climbing all the way back especially with at least 2 teams in front of them.
He will not return to the Red Sox for an even more compelling reason. There's nothing left to be done here that hasn't already been done by his contemporary Curt Schilling. Whatever Clemens does will not compare with what Schilling did by vanquishing the curse and bringing the city it's first championship in 86 years, especially since Clemens was the ace of the Sox staff for 15 of those years. Furthermore, Schilling did what Clemens failed to do in Game 7 of the 1986 World Series against the Mets, he won the biggest game of his career in Game 6 of the ALCS at Yankee Stadium. Clemens may be the greatest Red Sox pitcher of all time, and he may be one of the top right handers of all time but in this town he will always play second fiddle to the man (men if you count Pedro) that brought the city what he could not, baseball satisfaction.
Now do not get me wrong, Clemens could do a lot of good for a team just holding on by a thread on the mound these days, but he will not want to come here. His family is in Texas, his 3 sons play within driving distance of Houston. He has experienced the two most intense media markets in baseball and nearly retired before resurrecting himself from another shallow grave for 2 more seasons in Houston and at least one more Cy Young. He could have continued to play in New York but he chose not to and even lied to the boss and had a retirement party in order to avoid playing another season under the brightest lights in sports. He is living on easy street in Houston. There is no pressure, he does not have to travel if he does not want to, he is making a ton of money, he is cementing himself as probably the greatest righty other than Nolan Ryan, and the lights of the media are dim and friendly. There is nothing left for Clemens to prove in Boston or New York and for that reason he will end his career in Houston, maybe with another Cy Young and a legend untarnished.
Okay, Skippy enjoy your time in the sun because tomorrow I'll be back to blasting you, and regardless of whether or not I agree with your stance on Clemens you're still an ass clown and your article about Shaq's legacy on ESPN.com today was 2 pages of assinine drivel. As I say the sun even shines on a dog's ass somedays.
On a totally unrelated note Mike Tyson is a complete lunatic. He is now comparing himself to Jeffrey Daumer, saying that if the media found a whole bunch of bodies and heads that they would rather accuse him of, "eating those people," than the late Daumer. Where does he come up with this stuff, and is he really insane or is he just the greatest self-publicist of all time? Maybe he just realizes that he's falling out of interest with the media and he says to himself, "Well, time to go coo-koo again, maybe I'll talk about eating babies, that always works."
The Red Sox return to the scene of their World Series victory tonight when they open a series in St. Louis. This would be great except for the fact that St. Louis is still the best team in the NL and frankly I'd rather not see them on the schedule. I'll go and take pictures of the stadium but keep Albert "Two Words for Triple Crown" Pu - Jols out of the batters box against Alan Embree's dead straight 90 MPH slow ball.
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